Monday, August 13, 2007

Anyone Wanna Come for a Visit? No???

Nancy very kindly enquired after our new swanky tent, and I can report that it is home safe and sound without any sort of incident. However, given what Mr. Me and older son found in the cellar (it really is a cellar complete with rock foundations and dirt floor), I may be considering living in the tent fulltime. Yup - even in the Winter...

So? Anyone want to come for a visit??? What do you mean you don't like salamanders?! (I don't care how many times the kids ask, we are NOT keeping it.)


Ariel said...

I LOVE salamanders. I don't know why but I think they're really cute.

As far as the felted potholders. I'll use them, just not give them as a gift. :-)

Alison said...

Well, we have salamanders in the back yard, but they're just tiny little things. That one you've got there is a monster!

Stephanie Cake said...

hee! Mr. Cake used to work as a naturalist. He said what you've got there is a spotted salamander - they're burrowers. I guess that's how he found his way into your cellar... And, come on now, why do you want to deprive your children of such a wonderful pet??? bahahaha!!!

Cate said...

Hey, he's cute... trade you for my bat :).

km said...

It's funny that you do the whole tent thing so well, yet squirm with a salamander that's contained. I was just thinking about how I coud buy one. We're going to read "The Salamander Room" by Anne Mazer for school. I bet your boys would like that book...except they could read it themselves.

Lisa said...

if that is the only outside critter that they ever want to make a pet then consider yourself lucky....we have had snakes, frogs, exotic lizards, turtles, and spiders - all of which I don't think should be pets but Trouble wants to be in the critter business....yuk

I'll share the tent with you too if they get to stay....

Stephanie Cake said...

while Salamander Me might find kevin bacon delicious from a directorial standpoint, his actual diet consists of worms and other underground insects. i know that has you sold on keeping him as pet... especially since they can live as long as 30 years (seriously - not kidding about that one!).

Nancy @ the Jersey Shore said...

aww..he's cute! can't he live in a covered terrarium??