Saturday, September 15, 2007

Fall is in the Air

Fall is very much in the air these cool September mornings. Yesterday morning it was just at freezing and I regretted not having put on gloves. Fall also means harvest time. As you can see, Fred did an excellent job of keeping most things out of the garden. Unfortunately, neither the squirrels - who quite like tomatoes (who knew?) - nor the deer are afraid of him! Here is a small portion of our veggies. We've been giving it away like crazy - friends, relatives, co-workers, the local community kitchen - whoever will take it....

Ariel had mentioned in a post that while she doesn't change yarns when the seasons change, she does change projects. I was a little curious about just how cold it might get in Southern California... The answer: 50s farenheit, which is very loosely translated to about 10C! Balmy... I really don't enjoy it when it is REALLY COLD, but I think that I would miss snow and four very distinct seasons. But then I don't enjoy REALLY HOT either! (Yeah - there's just no pleasing some people.)
Oh, and a special thanks to Ms. Palmtree over at Days Go By. The Mexican Lasagne recipe that she e-mailed to help me use my zucchini is amazingly yummy! Check out her Gazpacho recipe.


Dorothy said...

Everything looks wonderful!

Anonymous said...

Yes, it does stink not to have 4 seasons. I miss fall :(

Anonymous said...

yummm.... mexican lasange recipie? Sounds like the perfect thing to get me out of the scary attack of the killer tomato thing happening on my kitchen counter.

km said...

What great garden bounty! I haven't been out to tend to ours...the zucchini are about done...and I'd like to pull them and put in something else. I'll miss not having colored leaves this fall...but with all these little ones...if it snowed here, I'd just stay in the house until spring. I'll have to comment to Nancy to post that mexican lasagna recipe.

Ariel said...

Balmy? LOL You consider high 50's balmy? You should see me wrapped up in sweaters and blankets and whatever else I can find when it's that cold. I'd LOVE to see 4 distinct seasons but I'm not entirely sure I could survive in it. :-)

Nancy @ the Jersey Shore said...

Thanks for the compliment on my Mexican Lasagne. I'm glad you liked it. Your garden really produced this summer. (heh heh...pun!)