Now I don't own Pursenality, but Kristen has knit some very nice bags from it and it was because of her positive comments that I picked up to look and ultimately bought Pursenality Plus. Congratulations, Kristen! You have officially "enabled" me...
Part two of the contest was to link to a blog of someone who we "met" through the 3-2-1 contact contest. In the interests of being completely honest, there are quite a few people in the swap that I already read with at least some regularity. When that is coupled with school starting and being busy at work (including travelling), I must admit that I haven't picked up any new "habitual" blogs. Since I have been busy, I've been trying to pop by a blog or two from the list each day, usually just as the mood strikes me. For instance, I've checked out all of the other K names... Hi Kaili, Karen, Kati, Kris and Kristen! I could have sworn that I had been to Kim's blog, too, but the link appears to be broken?
I've finally finished my Sock It To Me socks and hope to get that package all together and into the post on Monday. These are the socks that ended up being very disagreeable! It is the Oriole pattern from Sensational Knitted Socks. I don't know why I dislike them so much - and trust me, the feeling is mutual - but I do!
The other package that will *hopefully* hit the mail on Monday is my September SP11 package. Everything is bought but there's just that little detail of constructing part of it... And I ordered some goodies for the October package - I love Knitpicks!
And speaking of Knitpicks - I ordered these... When the e-mail first came through from Knitpicks last weekend, I was busy enough that I didn't immediately open it. However, when I read this post of Lesley's, I just had to go and check them out. Aren't they pretty? I actually ordered two sets - one for me and one for a knitting friend at the office. Congratulations, Lesley! You too have officially "enabled" me...
Those veggies looks good, I love growing potatoes but didn't have them this year. Like the bag and the colors.
Glad to be an enabler. I keep looking through the Plus book at the store...I may have to break down and get it. Now they carry it at Micheal's so I could get it with a coupon. =0) I like your sock it to me socks. Sorry they gave you a fit. I have yarn for a roll neck -knitting pure & simple- sweater for 2 in a colorway that looks like that. Your socks make me want to cast on for another how many OTN would that make?! =0)
I've got the plus book too, although I haven't knit anything from it as yet. I'm with you on the contest..I've been too busy to keep up with the awesome blog friends I read already, so I've just been looking at a few from the list every day or so. I need to post my contest answer soon!
WOW. thats a beautiful bag you are making . . . I sure hope you like the one I'm knitting up for you :) I'm looking forward to finishing it up here in the next week or so. I'm not a fast knitter by any means LOL. Happy Knitting FFBE SecretPal
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