Saturday, December 1, 2007

Feet and Other Stuff

I think that my computer may be ill... It is slower than death these days! Mr. Me works from home 3 days out of 5, so I'm blaming him for the illness. Or it could be the kids and their love of computer games. Who knows, but if this keeps up, I may have to treat myself to a laptop of MY OWN and a wireless router. Yeah, like that's in the budget.
So yesterday was my last official day in my old job. Monday brings both a new job and a new office. And my office has a real window! I haven't had a window in 5 years... Of course there are still things that need to be tidied up with the old job, but I am very excited about moving on to something new. And in typical "it never rains it pours" fashion, I also received a call on another job that I had applied for. I'll go for the interview and see what comes of it, since I don't really have to make a decision unless they offer the position to me. Both of them are lateral shifts for me, so I would have to look at my longterm career planning objectives. Okay - you can stop laughing now. No - I don't really have any longterm career plans other than to have positions that I find interesting.
I managed to get the package for my downstream WWCS pal shipped out yesterday. I really hope that she likes it and that it doesn't spend too much time at the border... If I had been really organized, I would have had everything together and mailed it from Maine last weekend, but that would have been very unlike me, so that explains why it didn't happen!
The winner of the most recent WWCS contest, Lesley, is going to be co-hostessing a new swap with Michelle. Wander over to Cocoa Swap and have a look. I'm not really a cocoa drinker but the Blah Buddy part of the swap may just suck me in. I love having little creatures that make me smile around... And since this is my entry into their first contest, tell them I sent you, okay?
I've been reassigned a downstream pal for SITMT and have started reading her blog to get to know her a bit. I'm looking forward to it. I *think* that I know people who know her so if things get bumpy, I may have a backdoor in. And speaking of SITMT, my upstream pal has asked for some foot information from me. Well, pal, I'm going to direct you to here, to my questionnaire from the first swap. You may note that I sometimes get careless when remeasuring my feet, so I know that this information is accurate...
Something else that is amusing me these days is the "Gross Things Meme". I saw it over at Shut Up I'm Counting. Cass posted her meme and has been linking other people's memes as well. I've got to say, I'm am VERY LUCKY to have a very pleasant and non-gross life! Nothing that has happened to me can compare to some of the grossness I've read. While they've made me laugh, I do not recommend reading these if you have a weak stomach or are feeling at all queasy... Okay? You have been warned.
Mr. Me and my MIL have taken the kids to swimming lessons today and plan on doing some other things while they're in the city. If I'm lucky, I'll have most of the day alone! Although I need to do laundry (I know - shocking!!!) and wrap some Christmas presents. If I get a chance to upload some photos of the Christmas knitting, I'll be back...


Alison said...

So, I used to have a window, but it wasn't a real office, just a cubicle. To get a real office, with a door, I had to give up the window. But at least I can close my door! Next job, for me, is going to have "office AND window" as a requirement. Sadly, my manager, and next rung on the ladder that I would most likely aspire to, who has a very nice office with a window and partial harbour view, is nowhere near retiring! Oh well, at least we have a lovely harbour view from the information desk!

Good luck with the new job!

km said...

If you think your computer is sick...back up your knitting photos. Or make sure they're all on flickr then you can still get to them. Oh...and the photos of the kids too. My computer died and I lost everything. But thankfully that was before I had a digital camera.

If you're not all swapped out, then I'm sure you'll find someone who will substitute the cocoa. Or, like me...the kids will think the swap is for them...and that's good too. I've had to hide the lemon biscuits. =0)

Heather said...

I just fixed my reallly slow computer.....I think it is all my pics so I am going to find a back up for it.
I have No window in my office and during my maternity leave they have given away my office!!!

Lisa said...

I know lots of tricks from the guys I work with. I'll email you some this week. Congrats again on the "new" job.

I agree with KM, back up everything! I know some tricks for that too.

I'm glad that the SITMT "challenge" has been solved!

Anonymous said...

Thank you. I`ve got the info needed.

Your SITMT pal

Crafty Canadian said...

Congrats on the new job and the window! If you're lucky like me you may have a ground floor corner office with a lovely view of the loading bay. I can't tell you what a treat it is to see which delivery guy is staring in at you on any give time.