Part of our weekend away last weekend involved a trip to the zoo.
and bear
- oh, my! Despite the fact that it was cold and damp, we had a good time. We got to see Tomar the Tiger for what may be our last time. He is 19 years old and is having kidney problems. You can tell that he is thinner than normal, although he is still quite beautiful to watch. Son the younger had been to the zoo before, but had been much too young to remember. I believe that he was in a baby carrier... It was HOT (more so with approx. 10 lbs. of baby strapped to me)! He slept. I tried not to collapse from heat exhaustion.
This trip, he'll remember it. Now he enjoyed the animals, but he seemed to find the animal droppings to be incredibly interesting. He commented on the sizes, shapes, colours and smells, making what I can only assume are meaningul comparisons for a 7 year old boy. With more than a decade of "boy" experience, I knew that bodily functions were endlessly amusing, but I had no idea that "poop" was quite so fascinating! Live and learn...
And for some gratuitous fibre content - a llama! Everytime I raised the camera, his/her (I didn't really look) ears went back. I was afraid I was going to get spit on. Great eyelashes! And their pupils are really interesting. They are a horizontal rectangle. Who knew? Not me!
That's the zoo in moncton, right? House Man and the boy want to make a trip there this summer--we have friends in Moncton, they can make it an overnight trip. And I can stay home and watch chick flicks all by myself!
Yes - that's the one. Much better in the summer. And they can go to the waterpark across the road, too!
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