Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Undercover at Underworld?

Much to Mr. Me's chagrin, I love all of the Law & Order series and Coronation Street. He is not big on crime shows, and even less of a fan of my favourite British "folk" opera. Last year I realized that Law & Order and Coronation Street had crossed paths in some odd way when it occurred to me that Ken Barlow had an American lovechild...
Imagine my surprise when I discovered that Ronnie Brooks must have been working undercover at Underworld, passing himself off as Danny Baldwin! Ronnie Brooks (Law & Order - UK) is a very different character for Bradley Walsh and I think I like him even better as Ronnie than I did as Danny. Excellent watching for a little quality knitting time.


km said...

I don't think I followed that so well...but I don't like crime shows...it creeps me out to think about the bad stuff actually going on. I know it does...I just don't need to be thinking about that if I actually want to sleep. I stick to HGTV.

Anonymous said...

What?! You get Law and Order UK?!!! I am so jealous! My two most watched shows are the L&O series and Coronation Street (although I watch Corrie from the CBC web site now). It's funny when you notice you have extra things in common with someone you already know :) Audrey