Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I Know - Let's Form a COMMITTEE!!!

So it doesn't have quite the same ring a Mickey Rooney and Judy Garland saying "Let's put on a show!", but it does seem to be a refrain that I am hearing more and more. Particularly at work. On Monday I received an e-mail from my boss looking for volunteers to sit on our newly formed "Kitchen Committee". What is the purpose of this committee you ask - why to establish procedures, processes and rules to ensure that kitchen users keep the office suitably clean to satisfy the demands of the "Occupational Health and Safety Committee", of course. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for a safe and clean workplace, but the last time I checked, we were all being given credit for being responsible adults. Unfortunately, that seems to be at odds with the behaviour of some of my coworkers who seem unable to discard their former lunches - now science experiments - from the fridges, wipe up a spill or put any form of utensil or crockery in a dishwasher. It makes me wonder what their houses look like.
While lamenting the slovenliness of my office this morning, I came across this article. At least we're not alone... I must admit that part of me hoped that in an odd twist of fate, that the people who had succumbed had been the once owners of the offending food. I wouldn't want innocent bystanders to have suffered. The person enterprising (and brave enough) to clean surely deserves some kind of medal for service above and beyond the call of duty!


km said...

One of my jobs is to clean out the fridge at work. I feel bad throwing away rubbermaid containers, but no one claims them. And silverware too. But...a committee...that's funny. You're so right about their homes though.....

SissySees said...

I think communal kitchens always suffer the same fate. I've shared several kitchens over the years in different workplaces, and there ALWAYS has to be a purger, someone willing to pull a trashcan to the frige and do the dirty deed.

wildflower38 said...

Thata goes on at every office. I just try to be responsible for myself.

Lisa said...

I agree with both km and Channon. At the moment, I am the Purge Police and I got over feeling guilty months ago when the fridge smelled so bad that your food tasted like the smell after just a few hours of being there. Now everyone fears Friday because they know I will clear the fridge and wipe it down with Lysol or is awful to think what their home look like so I stopped that too...give me nightmares...