Tuesday, May 20, 2008

What I Wouldn't Give for a Few Minutes of Peace and Quiet

I should have thought of that before I had kids, right? Hmmm... I guess it's too late now to change my mind. Fortunately, they are outside playing right now, so I have been able to get onto the computer for a few minutes without the constant questions like "When are you going to be done?" or "How come you and Dad are always on the computer? It's our computer, too!" I think that my answers are wearing as thin on them as their questions are on me. Unfortunately, this means little time for either blogging or keeping up to date with the other bloggers that I love... Sigh... Poor me!
So I lived through Toronto. I did take pictures of my view from the 20th floor, but have not had a chance to upload them yet. I did visit a couple of yarn stores and bought a little bit of yarn. Honestly - only a little bit, but since Mr. Me either really doesn't know or has decided that pretending he doesn't know about it is best, I haven't had a chance to take pictures. Oh, and even though it was only a little bit, some of it isn't even for me! I bought something that will be heading to a southern destination next month so that it will be there in time for someone's birthday. ("Hi, Lisa!") You'll have to wait until after our mutual birthday for a photo of that particular purchase.
I enjoyed my week away, but I came home with an awful cold and I am still trying to get caught up at work. It's amazing how much Toronto has changed since I was a child. The sheer number of people, and their diversity, is amazing. One of the interesting things about the training was that the location meant that I was always travelling the opposite direction of the rush hour traffic. Talk about single minded people! They move "en masse" while looking the whole time at their Blackberries or while talking into their cell phones. I began to wonder whether they weren't getting directions from these devices since they didn't seem to need to watch where they were going...
On my last day of training, I caught the GO Train out to spend the weekend with my parents. I called to let them know what train I was catching. Now I'm no stranger to pay phones, but when did they raise the toll for a local call to 50 cents? It's still only a quarter here in NB!


Anonymous said...

AMEN SISTAH. Just a FEW minutes, that's all I'd need. :)

Knitting it Out in an Urban Zoo said...

I love that you share a birthday with Lisa :) She's my bloggy big sister.

canknitian said...

It's $0.50 here too.

km said...

I keep meaning to email you, but my life must be mirroring yours. I can't seem to get the few minutes I need to type or read. A friend gave me this book. http://www.amazon.com/Five-Minutes-Peace-Jill-Murphy/dp/0698117875
My kids got a kick out of it. I'm on a countdown to summer...we're done with school May 30th. And then, I can breathe. So expect something from me just after that. Hmm...if I'm slow enough it will be for your birthday.

Anonymous said...

Peace and quiet? What's that? I'd settle for being able to go to the bathroom without a 2-year-old chaperone.

Lisa said...

Peace and Quiet? You have lost your mind. Motherhood automatically means you loose the privacy of the bathroom alone and your every move is monitored to ensure that they benefit from your last breath.

I wouldn't trade it ever!

And I have a special package just about ready to head north to ensure that it also arrives before the big day.....I am jsut giddy with anticipation....

Nancy @ the Jersey Shore said...

I don't know how all you with kids do it! I don't have any, and I can't find enough time. Try to enjoy the time you do manage to find, blog when you can. I'll still visit!

Alison said...

In reply to your comment on my blog, yes it is very giftable. Let me know if you want it signed--both authors are staff that I supervise!